Work & Learn

Work and Learn - University of St. Thomas with purple shield logo

NEW! Work and Learn SouthWest is partnering with Work and Learn Greater Minnesota to offer more flexible class options.

Earn a Minnesota teaching license & master's degree in 2.5 years.

The Work & Learn Program is for individuals dedicated to education, have earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, and are current or prospective employees of SouthWest Metro Intermediate District 288 or its eleven member districts. Participants will be employed as teachers of record or paraprofessionals by their school district while taking a combination of online and face-to-face (f2f) courses.

The Work & Learn Program aims to recruit, prepare, retain, and support highly qualified paraprofessionals and effective teachers from under-represented backgrounds who reflect our diverse student populations in SouthWest Metro Intermediate District 288 and its member districts. It provides an affordable, accessible, and accelerated program to earn a Minnesota teaching license and master’s degree in two years.

Work & Learn SouthWest is a cohort between SouthWest Metro Intermediate District 288, its eleven member districts, and the University of St. Thomas.
University of St. Thomas School of Education